Several hours later found Angel and Lorne were riding in a limo at night, Lorne fixing himself a drink. "Archduke Sebassis. Bona fide nobility from the fiery down under. Commands over 40 legions. He's the living end of a pure bloodline of demonic royalty," Lorne said leaning back with his drink.
"Great. Just great," Angel muttered.
"Well, also, the very peak of the A-list mountain. He's the crown jewel of the underworld jet set. If we convince him to come, all the other glitterati will just domino in right behind him, and then -- then we'll be in business."
Angel shook his head staring at his green friend in awe, "This really matters to you, doesn't it?"
"Well, of course. The new Wolfram & Hart, I mean, we have to," Lorne started before Angel cut him off. "No. I mean, this really matters to you. Personally."
Slowly the demon nodded, "Yeah. You know, Angel, I -- I don't have superhuman strength, and I'm not a fighter. Quantum physics makes me nauseous, and I barely made a passing grade at mystical studies, but I'm on your team. This is something I can do. I believe it has a purpose that can help you, even if you don't." He confessed almost sadly.
"Well, I'm here, aren't I? I agreed to this," Angel said with a weak smile.
"No, you," Lorne paused, "You did," he smiled. "You did. Moreover, I promise you won't regret it. But, hey, let's leave it that you let me do most of the talking, huh? You just kind of smile and try not to rip anybody apart. OK?" With this he finally took a sip of his drink relaxing some.
Within twenty minutes, Angel and Lorne were sitting in chairs facing a pale demon with horns seated on a high throne, another similar demon standing at his side.
"So," Sebassis said slowly and calmly, "This is the mighty Angel. I've been told many things about you. Bit of a restless frog, hmm? Making lots of waves in your little swamp."
"Yeah, well, I'm just trying to keep the fly population down," Angel said sarcastically causing Lorne to laugh nervously.
"Yes. Though I do prefer the tales of your counterpart Angelus. Ah, you had flair back then, child," The Archduke commented in that same bored tone.
"Well, I guess we all mellow in our old age," Angel commented, sarcasm still coating his words.
"Your contempt is fragrant," Sebassis said as he sipped a blue liquid from a wine glass and finished the drink.
He then put his glass down and a smaller, thinner, paler demon came out to him.
The smaller slave-like demon pulled a cork out of his arm and held his arm out over Sebassis's glass. The blue liquid Sebassis was drinking flowed from the slave's uncorked vein into the glass.
Lorne witnessed this with great discomfort, although he tried his hardest to hide it. "Uh--uh, so, your Lordship," Lorne started nervously, "We were deeply grieved when you declined our invitation. I mean, we'd love for you to reconsider." He said slapping Angel's arm. "Yeah, ha. Yeah. I mean, a party just isn't a party without the Archduke," he said, trying to dial back the sarcasm this time.
"You're sure you wouldn't like some," the demon asked as the slave replaced the cork his vein.
"I'm fine," Angel said receiving a glare from Lorne. "But thanks," he quickly added.
"Oh, come, come. We're all blood-drinkers here. Ah, but that's right. You choose to drink the blood of swine. Filthy beasts."
"Actually, that's a misconception," Angel corrected him only to be cut off by Lorne.
"Filthy! Yes! Honestly, I don't know how he does it," He chuckled, sipping from a glass filled with the blue liquid. "Mmm, wow, this is," He started turning to the slave, "You, uh -- you really -- you taste great."
"Well, in light of this amusing chat, and of my longstanding acquaintance with you, Lorne, I will come to the gala," Sebassis said dryly.
"Oh, that's wonderful news, your lordship! Well, we don't wanna waste any more of your valuable time," Lorne said standing, setting his glass down, "We'll--we'll show ourselves out," he said as he and Angel made a quick exit.
"I still think it's a trap, my lordship," A third demon said to Sebassis as the duo retreated.
"Maybe, Artode, but I am in the mood for intrigue. So, we'll go to their celebration. We'll just make sure we're properly dressed," He gestured toward a hidden panel in his wall, which magically opened to reveal swords, axes, and other weapons inside.